Study groups listed in the directory below are not affiliated with HTCC. Please
be aware that HTCC does not review or endorse any study group or its organization,
content, or study method. Listing in this directory is offered as a public service
to candidates and is not intended to imply any approval or endorsement by HTCC.
Applicants are urged to remember that admission to take the HTCC examination is
permitted for the sole purpose of seeking HTCC certification. HTCC expects candidates
to participate in study groups only as a means of examination preparation, and for
no other purpose. HTCC is prepared to take any steps necessary to safeguard the
integrity of the Certified Hand Therapist program.
Click the Details button to learn about specific meeting and contact information
in your area. Click here
to post a new study group in your area.
Study Groups have been established in the following cities:
Spring Exam
Spring Exam