Theoretical knowledge and technical skills are applied, using good clinical judgment, in assessment and treatment of individuals with diagnoses related to the upper limb (hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder girdle, cervical
area or multiple joints). Diagnoses may include adhesions or tightness, amputations, arthritis and rheumatic diseases, congenital anomalies or differences, crush injuries and mutilating trauma, cumulative trauma
disorders, cysts and tumors, developmental disabilities, dislocations and subluxations, Dupuytren's Disease, edema, factitious disorders, fractures, infections, ligamentous injury and instability, lymphedema, muscular
injuries, nerve injuries and conditions, neuromuscular diseases, pain, replantation and revascularization, spinal cord and central nervous system injuries, tendon injuries and conditions, thermal and electrical
injuries, vascular disorders, and wounds and scars.
Such patients may be referred to a hand therapist following a variety of medical or surgical interventions including amputation, arthrodesis, arthroplasty and joint replacement, fasciectomy and fasciotomy, fracture
fixation and bone graft, ganglionectomy, injection, ligament repair and reconstruction, nailbed repair, nerve block and sympathectomy, nerve decompression, nerve repair, nerve graft, nerve transfer, replantation
and re-vascularization, scar release and revision; skin graft and flap, synovectomy, tenosynovectomy, tenovaginotomy, tendon repair and graft, tendon transfer, tenolysis, and use of pharmaceutical agents.