HTCC has the authority to investigate complaints, and if necessary, recommend action against an individual's certification status. When based on clear and convincing evidence, sanctions imposed may range from private reprimands to the permanent loss of certification.

Complaints must be submitted in writing. The HTCC Complaint Form and Affidavit should be used to assist you in submitting the complaint along with any supporting documentation. A complaint cannot be made anonymously; the individual accused has a right to know the nature of the complaint, and the identity of the person who filed the complaint. Valid complaints are thoroughly investigated and may take six to nine months or longer to conclude. HTCC’s Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC) reviews investigation findings and recommendations for possible disciplinary action according to the HTCC’s Disciplinary Policy. The DRC acts fairly in carrying out its responsibilities to the public and protecting the rights of accused individuals. Final actions are recorded in HTCC’s records and will be noted when a certification status is verified.  The action may also be reported to employers, state regulatory agencies and the general public.

Click here to download the HTCC Complaint Form and Affidavit.