Hand Therapist Peer Mentoring Manual


The Hand Therapist Peer Mentoring Manual is a tool that can be used by hand therapy mentors and by occupational therapists and physical therapists seeking advanced knowledge and the clinical skills required for the specialty of hand therapy. It uses the Hand Therapy Certification Examination Blueprint as a framework and the HTCC’s Self-Assessment Tool as a means for establishing learning goals and objectives.

The Hand Therapist Peer Mentoring Manual is available as a free PDF to everyone. A printed copy is also available for $75.

For information on how to receive credit for mentoring please download the HTCC Hand Therapy Mentoring Levels and Credit packet.

ASHT's Mentoring E-Community

The American Society of Hand Therapists offers a mentoring e-community that promotes professional growth and career development while advancing the field of hand therapy. It is for those interested in becoming a mentor and for those seeking to be mentored. The e-community helps mentors and mentees locate each other and cultivates a collaborative and mutually beneficial mentoring relationship. For more information about ASHTs mentoring program, click here.

Please click link to fill the request form for your copy of the Hand Therapist Peer Mentoring Manual.